What is Switched Reluctance Motor?
A switched reluctance motor (SRM) is an electric motor that does not utilize permanent magnets and rotor currents to rotate. It instead relies on the tendency of the magnetic field from the windings to find a path of “least resistance”, much like how a magnet attracts a piece of metal towards its poles. It is usually powered by a DC source.
Why make it modular?
Each copper coil or electrical phase of an SRM can be made connected to the motor driver independently of each other, increasing its resistance to damage (“fault tolerance”) such as short-circuits or burned wires.
We can take advantage of this independence by having each coil wound around a separate stator module. Stator modules with different physical characteristics can give better flexibility in designing an SRM with a specific output performance in mind.
It also increases the fault tolerance of the system: if one of the modules or its coil burn out, only that module needs to be replaced, instead of rewinding the entire machine.
It is possible that every stator module can have its own modular motor drive as well, since each coil is independent of each other. Thus integrated motor drive is possible.

Develop a design methodology relating different motor dimensions on the output torque.
How does one design a modular stator, segmented rotor SRM? Establish principles.
Build a prototype modular stator, segmented rotor SRM (MSSR-SRM).
Test those principles with a physical prototype.
Design and build an integrated motor drive (IMD) system.
Initial target specification: 1 kW, 48V application
The motor drive system for an SRM can be made into separate modules as well, theoretically. We can then investigate the possibility of including each drive module to the stator module itself.
Investigate the feasibility of manufacturing and fabrication of electric motors in the Philippines
It has applications for situations where fault tolerance with flexible design is desired. This includes small electric vehicles like e-bikes and e-trikes, or pumps where a quick repair of motor faults is an advantage.
Flexibility in Performance
Each stator module can have different physical characteristics such as dimensions, alloy used, or copper winding. Thus, given a general modular SRM “body”, a manufacturer or end user can just replace each module with others that fit their needed performance
Easier and cheaper maintenance
Replacing stator modules should be easier than rewinding the entire coil system of a motor or cheaper than buying an entirely new motor, especially if the motor is already built into the chassis.
Increased fault tolerance
Only the offending module need to be replaced instead of rewinding the motor or scrapping it all together.

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Motor Design